Because fans are your most valuable customers!

When do you contact NewBizz? Interim sales management Start-up begeleiding E-sports aanbevelingen

Over NewBizz

What time is it?
It’s game time!

– Michael Jordan’s Chicago Bulls yell –

“If you forget to prepare, you are preparing to be forgotten…”

With more than 25 years of experience in leading sales positions, business development and a background in software, telecom, CRM, broadcast, sports, events and media, NewBizz sees the technology increasingly converge in these markets. The enormous growth of the gaming industry, social media and digitization, among other things, offers new opportunities in existing and new markets. It makes solutions that previously seemed unfeasible, actually feasible. Because there are still so many opportunities and possibilities, NewBizz is happy to take on the challenge together with you. Your company, institution, association or (sports) organization can also turn its customers (subscribers, members) into fans by using sound business development and creative media solutions.


The Game Plan.

In my more than 25-year career I have been able to play and/or coach many matches in challenging divisions. In all those competitions, there was always 1 important statement for me: who forgets to prepare, prepares to be forgotten. The success of almost any match can usually be measured by its preparation: the game plan.

In order to arrive at a good game plan, it is necessary to come to a good definition of the challenge and to define the expectations. Together we test the potential feasibility. Examples such as : Where can we find new potential customers? How do we introduce new concepts in the most critical Dutch market? How do we reach the desired target groups?



Milica Zolak

Teamleider Sportmarketing, Hogeschool van Amsterdam

Leonard heeft de afgelopen 3 jaar als bevlogen docent bij de Minor Future of Esports lesgegeven. Zijn expertise en ervaring vanuit het vakgebied Esports hebben de Minor naar een hoger niveau gebracht. Daarnaast heeft Leonard vanuit zijn relaties uit het werkveld inspirerende sprekers en bezoeken voor onze studenten geregeld. Fijn om je als expert bij het team te hebben.


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Meet our team

Leonard Ariens

Leonard Ariens

CEO & Founder
Cecile van de Ven

Cecile van de Ven

Project Management & Administration
Alexander Josiassen

Alexander Josiassen

Media Technology / Innovation / Digital Strategy


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